Welcome to #Connectme - resource Pack 3
Designed to allow you to celebrate your place with your neighbours - safely.

This 15 Unit course is designed for anyone looking to create a joint celebration with their neighbours - something we will all be needing once we are finally clear of the Covid-19 pandemic. More than this though, it's packed with ideas for connecting with your community even during lockdown.
The course comes in 3 sections:-
1) Revealing the hidden histories of your very own place (EVERY place has a story!) - Units 1-5
2) Extending the right invitation to your neighbours - celebrating TOGETHER! - Units 6-10
3) Making it happen! - Units 11-15
The course is supported by a facebook open group where you can bring your questions and compare notes with other people on the same journey Celebrate your street - Together! #ConnectMe 3
The 15 written Units are each supported by a video. The videos provide extra explanation of the underpinning concepts and some fun insights in some Squilometre examples. It's definitely recommended that you use the Units and the videos together.
Most of all - enjoy!! This is a wonderful CONNECTING journey! Dive in and don't forget to share your journey with us .....
The course comes in 3 sections:-
1) Revealing the hidden histories of your very own place (EVERY place has a story!) - Units 1-5
2) Extending the right invitation to your neighbours - celebrating TOGETHER! - Units 6-10
3) Making it happen! - Units 11-15
The course is supported by a facebook open group where you can bring your questions and compare notes with other people on the same journey Celebrate your street - Together! #ConnectMe 3
The 15 written Units are each supported by a video. The videos provide extra explanation of the underpinning concepts and some fun insights in some Squilometre examples. It's definitely recommended that you use the Units and the videos together.
Most of all - enjoy!! This is a wonderful CONNECTING journey! Dive in and don't forget to share your journey with us .....

This course is kindly supported by Devon County Council