quiet voice methodology training
Quiet Voice Methodology ..
Empowers and animates those who don't normally participate.
It rejects "hard to reach" as a description and reframes our role as community development workers
Quiet Voice Methodology, grown in the world of Asset Based Community Development and the Capability Approach, takes inspiration from a range and disciplines plus a decade of street practice and provides the answers we need to effectively work alongside the Quiet Voice members of our communities. Not just those who experience barriers but also those who are time poor and have turned away from outside interventions. Quiet Voice Methodology is community work that recognises the granularity of our modern communities and is an approach fit for the 21st century. It's the rethinking that you've been waiting for!

QVM Training components
QVM is characterised by three essential components. There are, of course, many valid and useful community development approaches that don’t include all three but these are considered fundamental to QVM practice:-
The QVM Carry Case
Comprising the three essential components of QVM ….
It is PLACE BASED - it captures and uses ALL aspects of place. The built and natural environment, inc. skies, waterways, viewpoints/topography. Its heritage and, of course, the people.
It is TRANSACTIONAL – it recognises and understands that ALL relationships are transacted and that we, as community workers, have an important role to play in getting that right.
It is REFLECTIVE – it constantly asks the question WHO IS NOT HERE? What is our role in that? What aren’t we doing and, more importantly, what are we doing that’s wrong?
QVM is characterised by three essential components. There are, of course, many valid and useful community development approaches that don’t include all three but these are considered fundamental to QVM practice:-
The QVM Carry Case
Comprising the three essential components of QVM ….
It is PLACE BASED - it captures and uses ALL aspects of place. The built and natural environment, inc. skies, waterways, viewpoints/topography. Its heritage and, of course, the people.
It is TRANSACTIONAL – it recognises and understands that ALL relationships are transacted and that we, as community workers, have an important role to play in getting that right.
It is REFLECTIVE – it constantly asks the question WHO IS NOT HERE? What is our role in that? What aren’t we doing and, more importantly, what are we doing that’s wrong?

Packed inside the QVM Carry Case the training will cover a range of useful Tools. These are not all considered essential and can be chosen to suit your projects. They have been borrowed from a broad base of disciplines including:-
- Sociology
- Adult and organisational learning
- Place-based education
- Placemaking/placekeeping
- Environmental studies
- Landscape archaeology
- Heritage interpretation
- Participatory arts
In other cases they’ve been developed from evidence-based practice in our street work. You can choose from these tools, finding the ones that best suit your practice.