What is a squilometre?
First off - we made the word up! Please don't be alarmed if you haven't come across it before!
It just means that it operates within (roughly) one square kilometre. It's our way of committing to a particular community, in a particular place. It's a technique, developed by Interwoven, to help CONNECT PEOPLE TO PEOPLE - AND PEOPLE TO PLACE. We've been refining this technique since 2014 and it is under continual reflective review.
It just means that it operates within (roughly) one square kilometre. It's our way of committing to a particular community, in a particular place. It's a technique, developed by Interwoven, to help CONNECT PEOPLE TO PEOPLE - AND PEOPLE TO PLACE. We've been refining this technique since 2014 and it is under continual reflective review.
Connecting People to People and People to Place
-Here are the essential ingredients:-
A Squilometre is always community nominated and community-led. Each street based project within that Squilometre is run by a residents' steering group, or "Pod". They make all the decisions.
A Squilometre is sustainable. One street pays it forward to allow the next street project to happen. All within one Squilometre. What goes around comes right on around again meaning that Squilometre activity, in that community, is based on a sustainable, circular-economy.
A Squilometre is celebratory. The emphasis is always on celebrating the unique features of community and place. Each individual street project brings residents together in a shared celebration. Pop-up exhibitions, community star-gazing, roving performances, inter-generational tea-parties - the Pod decides!
Squilometre is all about the place! Working in this hyper-local way, street by street, around and around inside one square kilometre means that residents come to know and care about their own place - taking a more active part in decisions about it's future.
Most of all a Squilometre is transferable. Any place, any place at all - rural, urban, derelict, green - will support a Squilometre. Just contact us to find out how.
A Squilometre is always community nominated and community-led. Each street based project within that Squilometre is run by a residents' steering group, or "Pod". They make all the decisions.
A Squilometre is sustainable. One street pays it forward to allow the next street project to happen. All within one Squilometre. What goes around comes right on around again meaning that Squilometre activity, in that community, is based on a sustainable, circular-economy.
A Squilometre is celebratory. The emphasis is always on celebrating the unique features of community and place. Each individual street project brings residents together in a shared celebration. Pop-up exhibitions, community star-gazing, roving performances, inter-generational tea-parties - the Pod decides!
Squilometre is all about the place! Working in this hyper-local way, street by street, around and around inside one square kilometre means that residents come to know and care about their own place - taking a more active part in decisions about it's future.
Most of all a Squilometre is transferable. Any place, any place at all - rural, urban, derelict, green - will support a Squilometre. Just contact us to find out how.